News Archive:

 Friday December 5th 2014

Dear prayer supporters,

Could you pray and advice for the following proposal I am considering
to contribute to the peace process in CAR?

After praying and taking some small steps in this time of crisis in
CAR, I am sensing the Lord's leading me to bring together political
and religious leaders to brainstorm of some vital issues related to
our context before the elections. I want to encourage the religious
platform to organize a meeting focused on three points:

 1) To seek to honestly determine who carries the responsibility for
this situation, resulting in the death of thousands and the huge
destruction of property and infrastructure.  2) To seek to determine
what form of government could have the greatest possibility of
restoring peace.  3) To seek to make the leaders understand that the
only hope for the country is to seek the intervention of God.

As you know the war in CAR is considered as a religious one. So it is
important to clarify that between religious and political leaders and
encourage each other to contribute to the restoration of peace
throughout the country.

A second project I am praying for is to have CIDEL organize a
leadership workshop with all the political leaders in order to lead
them to the same direction of seeking the interest of the people not
their own. Dr. Gary Allen, President of Christian Organization to the
United Nations Community is willing to assist CIDEL in providing some
key topics for the workshop. No date is planned yet. We will do some
assesment and prepare a budget for that workshop before we set the
dates before the elections (July-August).

Pray and please give your feedback and advice to those important projects.

Passionate for people.

Augustin Hibale

 Wednesday December 3rd 2014

Greetings to all,

We have a difficulty to connect to the internet these days. We are fine as a family. Last Sunday after the church service on our way back to the Mission's station where we live, God protected us from bandits who stopped a Toyota Pick up just one minute after I drove my family on the main road. Dr Malipou who saw us and the other vehicle that was taken away from the driver called me later to praise God for our protection.
God is so good to us and he is doing what is said in Psalms 23. Praise God.
We are experiencing the kidnapping of vehicles, mostly Pick up 4x4 in the city of Bangui these last days.
We appreciate your prayers on our behalf.


 Wednesday November 26th 2014

Greetings from Bangui

I am back from Senegal where God gave me a great opportunity of teaching and encouraging some people I met during those 10 days.

Thanks for your prayers.



 Saturday November 22nd 2014

Greetings to all,
I am back to Dakar in Senegal after a week in Thiès one of the big city of Senegal. It's was a real time of impacting lives through the training on Christian Ethics and leadership. Students from Mali and Senegal have been in the program of Masters in Leadership and Organizational Management. I praise God for the encouragement expressed by the students at the end of the training.
I will be in Dakar until Tuesday before my departure to Bangui via Casablance (Morocco), Douala (Cameroon).
Thanks for your prayer support during my time here.

 Thursday November 20th 2014

Dear prayer supporters,
My stay in Thies,Senegal is going fine. Tomorrow will be our last day of study on Ethics in the life of leadership. This is a course that is credited for Masters. I will leave the students with some assignments that they will email them to me. They will have six months to go over the course and prepare themselves for the final evaluation of the course during the next term in May 2015.
I am doing well in terms of managing my diabètes. I praise God for the good progress I have. My blood glycemy is between 8,00 to 8,8 this week and I am feeling better. My family is fine back home in Bangui, CAR.
I will be going back to Dakar from Thies on Saturday before I travel back home on Tuesday November 25th.
Thanks for your cooperation in prayer.

 Wednesday November 19th 2014

Please pray for Augustin as he teaches his course in Ethics in Senegal and for his family back in the CAR. He returns home next Tuesday, November 25th. 


 Friday November 14th 2014

Greetings to all,

Praise God, CIDEL has distributed 400 Bibles, 400 song books and 400 trauma booklet for Pastors during their national conference. Many of those Pastors have lost their Bibles and books during the war we are facing till today. With the help of many of you, CIDEL has provided those very important tools to encourage Pastors in their ministry during this time of crisis.

We were little bit concerned about the distribution today because since this morning, the ex-Seleka have closed a block of the road from from the Prime Minister cabinet to one of the hospital on the main road to the airport. We took another road with all the risk to get to the church where the conference is taking place.

Lot of thanks from the Pastors who received the kit. Pray that they will bring those books safely to their home. Many come from the provinces, some where looted on their way to Bangui.

Thanks for your prayer support. See photos below. 

On behalf of CIDEL I thank you all.


 Thursday November 13th 2014

(urgent prayer need!)


We plan to go to the national conference for the distribution of the Bibles now. Please mobilize people as you can to pray for safetyon the road, during the distribution and back home. There is a tension on the street (avenue des martyrs till the round-about de la paix). We will drive through Benzvi to Cité des Martyrs where the conference is taking place now.

We appreciate your prayer while we bring the word of God to his servants in an insecure time as this here. Thanks!

- Augustin

 Sunday November 9th 2014


We appreciate your prayers for the retreat we are going through now at the Encompass World Partners. CIDEL is meeting with the national Bible Society and another national Christian NGO.

We are reviewing our activities on trauma management we did on the Internally Displaced People. We want to go further in dealing with the trauma as a ministry.



 Thursday October 30th 2014

Please pray for the country of Burkina Faso that has a political unrest today. My son Jay and other young citizen from the CAR are students there in Ouagadougou, the capital city.


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