News Archive:

 Monday March 31st 2014


CIDEL has a humanitarian experiment today with Humedica International
from Germany. We distributed NFI to 400 families this afternoon at St
Joseph Cobonian's camp where 2600 people stay there. We thank God for
his protection during the trip to Bimbo and the distribution process
today. Please pray for the rest of the week our guests from Germany
have in the country.


Dr. Augustin Hibaile
Bangui, CAR

 Monday March 24th 2014

Greetings to all,

The German humanitarian team is with us since last Saturday for two
weeks action in some IDPs camps. Pray for that the distribution will
go well.

Dr. Augustin Hibaile
Bangui, CAR

 Saturday March 15th 2014

Greetings to all,

My family is doing fine. Our children are back to school downtown. Not
all the schools in Bangui are running because of the insecurity in
some neighborhoods. The youngest children who attended a school near
our home at 11 km north of the city were moved to a school near the
Encompass center where we are staying since December 2013.

The last family among the internally displaced people left the center
in March 7. Now we have with the mission's workers day and night and
the seminary students who have classes at the mission's center during
the days. My wife Marie Helene and I have a full week teaching at the
Baptist seminary. I personnally have some hours teaching at the State

CIDEL has signed a Partnership agreement with a german humanitarian
organization called Humedica Internationale. A team of humedica will
arrive in Bangui next week to coordinate the distribution of non food
and food items to the internally displaced families in some camps in
Bangui. About 500 families are targetting during this pilot project of
relief assistance.

Pray as we are planning a serie of seminars to train about 150
psycho-spiritual counselors who will be able to help people who are
traumatized during the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in
Central African Republic. We are seeking some support to make the
project happen in April. Humanitarian are helping with food and non
food items but there is not spiritual counselling to heal the hearts
of the people. Our goal is to help people hurted to turn to Jesus for
peace. We want to bring people to forgiveness and reconciliation.
Please pray for that project.


Bangui, CAR
+ 236 72 76 71 10
+ 236 77 89 27 70

 Sunday March 9th 2014

Greeting to all

I had the opportunity to finish my course on the Organization and
Administration of the Church at the Baptist Seminary last week. My
wife also taught the Epistle of Paul to Colossians to the ladies.

Yesterday I met with the Pastors to encourage, challenge and remind
them about our role as watchmen according to Ezekiel 3:16-27. 40
Pastors from Grace Brethren Churches show up at the church
headquarters and have seen the necessity to create a committee of
crisis to deal with the situation our country is going through. We
warned each other to watch on our way of communicating so that the
truth of God, the gospel of forgiveness and reconciliation will be
bodly proclaimed. Please pray for the church in CAR to be salt and
light in this corrupted and dark time.

My family is doing fine but we are overwhelmed by the unsafe
environment we are in. We pray that God will visit us and turn up down
the bloody situation we are facing.

Thank you for all your support on the behalf of my family and the
churches in CAR.


Dr. Augustin Hibaile
Bangui, CAR

 Monday March 3rd 2014

Greetings to all,

The month of February is over and I praise God for his protection of
my family and myself in the war we are facing in CAR. I am thankful to
God for the strenghth he gave me while I was sick. Last month we have
opportunity, my wife and I to minister to many people: encouraging
those who have lose the members of their families, ministering to many
in the church, participating to a wedding, visiting internally
displaced people in various camps in Bangui and planning with Humedica
International to distribute kits that will protect families during the
rain season and food in some camps. We also helped prepare classrooms
at the Mission's center for the seminary students to continue their
training downtown. It is not safe to go back to the seminary that is
17 km north of the city where insecurity is still there.

The University of Bangui is opened and I have the opportunity to teach
my leadership class today with the students of the third year of the
Departement of Economic Sciences. I will have a block course on church
administration at the Baptist Seminary as soon as they open their
school. My wife also will teach the women department of the Seminary
on the Epistle of Paul to the Colossians. We need your prayer as we
participate to the training of future leaders.

Please continue to pray for my vehicle that need a starter to run the
engine. Pray also for the project of a training of psycho-spiritual
counselors to help people in trauma in CAR.
Thanks for all your support.

Dr. Augustin Hibaile
Bangui, CAR
+ 236 72 76 71 10
+ 236 77 89 27 70

 Monday February 24th 2014

Greetings to all,

We greatly appreciate your prayer on our behalf here in CAR. My family
is doing fine in the midst of this difficult time. The future is still
uncertain for us but we continue to trust God. The security isse
remain a concern for all of us even there are French and African
troops in the city.

Even life is difficult, I had the opportunity today to meet with the
Minister of Forestry, Tourism and Environment who is a member of CIDEL
my organization. We spent some minutes to pray, read Daniel 6:4-6 and
to encourage him on the necessity of balance between his body, soul
and spirit. It's was a good encounter I had with my secretary Cendri
Moute (a Magistrate and Director of the cabinet of the Minister) and
Lucien Freddy Awara (an Inspector of Finance and Tresorer of CIDEL).
Another opportunity of ministry is to pray and encourage the Minister
of Commerce who is the wife of the Rector of the University of Bangui.
Pray that it will happen soon.

I am planning a training of psycho-spiritual counselors on dealing
with trauma according to the Bible. CIDEL wants to train a
considerable number of those counselors who can be able to listen the
various stories of the people affected by the war in CAR. Could you
please join us in praying for the trainers needed and the
participants. Pray also that we will have means to produce the
workbooks and to make the training possible in March/April 2014.

Pray for CIDEL's involvement with Humedica Internationale a German
humanitarian NGO that visited the country some weeks ago. Humedica is
planning to provide anti rains equipments and some food to 1500
households in Mid-March and Mid-April 2014. My board is working on
helping to meet that need.


Dr. Augustin Hibaile
Bangui, CAR
+ 236 72 76 71 10
+ 236 77 89 27 70

 Sunday February 16th 2014

Greetings to all,

Praise God, I am recovering from three days of illness but still
tired. The burden I am carrying is too high and my body has reacted to
it. I am thankful I got some medication that helps.

This evening we were 12 people remaining in the Mission's compound. A
family of 13 people left this morning. We are still having words from
those who went back to their home or who are renting home in a safe

You may hear about Boko Haram (Al kaida group from Nigeria) declaring
a war against Christians in CAR. This is a real concern for us. Only
God knows what is happening in this country and when and how he will
intervene to stop all the atrocities we are going through. Your prayer
and help are greatly appreciated.

Pray that the week will be blessed for Marie Helene and me when we
continue to minister to different people.

Dr. Augustin Hibaile
Bangui, CAR
+ 236 72 76 71 10
+ 236 77 89 27 70

 Saturday February 8th 2014

Greetings to all,

The wedding Marie Helene and I were part yesterday went well. There
were three celebration of wedding at the Mayor's office yesterday. The
couple we were with are members from our church of Galabadja 3. They
live in a neighborhood near the Bangui airport. We praise God that
everything went well yesterday.

Just after the ceremony, I went to the Bangui Evangelical School of
Theology to finish my course of strategic planning with the students
of the Masters in Leadership and Organizational Management offered by
Development Associates International at the campus. Praise God the
session went well and the students from Democratic Republic of Congo
went safely back home.

Aothern internally displaced family left the mission's compound this
morning to go back to their home. Please pray for Anne who works for
the Mission and is back to one of the difficult neighborhood to live
in. We are 56 people remaining at the Mission today.

My family is managing the compound with all the blessing of God.
Thanks for your prayers on our behalf.


Dr. Augustin Hibaile
Bangui, CAR
+ 236 72 76 71 10
+ 236 77 89 27 70

 Thursday February 6th 2014

Greetings to all,

After the departure of the german team, I have the opportunity to
participate to a training session of Development Associates
International a program of Masters in Leadership and organizational
Management hosted in Bangui Evangelical School of Theology (BEST). I
have 11 students from DRC and CAR in my class where I facilitate the
course on Strategic Reflection. BEST has send his students of Masters
degree to finish their training in Cameroon. DAI has one week of
facilitation than the students will continue their learning process
on-line for six months before a final evaluation of the course.

Tomorrow, my wife and I will participate to a wedding ceremony.
Although the security situation of the country is not yet stable, we
seize the opportunity God has given us to impact the lives of people
he brings to us. Two families who are staying at the mission's
compound with us plan to go back to their home tomorrow. There will
remain seven families in the compound. Hope their neighborhoods will
have peace so they can go home and allow the Seminary students to use
some of the rooms at the mission to restart their training.

Thanks for standing along side us during these difficult time.

Dr. Augustin Hibaile
Bangui, CAR
+ 236 72 76 71 10
+ 236 77 89 27 70

 Wednesday February 5th 2014

Greetings from Bangui,

You did not hear from me these days because I was busy working with
Humedica Internationale a German humanitarian organization in the
internally displaced camps in Bangui. Humedica was in Bangui for six
days to do an assessment of the condition of the IDP's and find out
how to help them. During there stay from Friday to yesterday, we
visited 8 camps, met with the President of the Alliance of Evangelical
Churches, the representant of the Archibishop of Bangui, the President
of the Islamic Community an imam, the General Consul of Autrich who
was in charge of Germany and other leaders. On Saturday we went to the
airport camp and were shocked by the life condition of people there,
mainly the little children living without any protection. Sadly during
the night there was a big rain on the people in the camps.

This morning we went very early to the camp on the north entrance of
Bangui where there are islamic community waiting to be taken to Chad,
Sudan and the north of CAR.  There are about 7000 people in a very
difficult humanitarian condition. Most of them are asking the UNHCR to
provide trucks for their departure to the north. The humedica team
left today to go back to Germany and will report to their board and
the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs with their proposal of
targetting 4000 families in some of the IDP's camps with some kit for
urgent need against the rain that will begun soon.

My family is doing fine with the 77 internally displaced people who
are still living at the mission's compound. On Friday my wife will be
involved in a marriage of a couple from our local church as the best
man and the maiden of honor. The marriage will take place at the
Mayor's office then a nuptial blessing will follow.

Thanks for your support.



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