News Archive:

 Tuesday August 6th 2013

Greetings from the Hibailes

The CAR is one of the countries where scholarships are given by the Government to some students to help them in their studies in the national level or in the universities abroad. My five children who are at the university level have applied for the scholarship many times but only the oldest one has received some support during his studies in Morocco.
This year two of my children (a daughter who is studying at the university in Cameroon and the boy who is in the first year of the university in Bangui) have applied for the scholarship. Unfortunately I just learn today that none of them is in the list of those who are chosen to receive the scholarship for this academic year. It is difficult to understand the criteria of the selection of the beneficiaries of the scholarship in our education system. Not really qualified students are those who were chosen.
For many years, I have shared my concern about the future of the young Christians in a very difficult education context in the CAR. Many less education and those who are in schools, don't have any support from their poor parents. For two to three decades now, many Christian parents in CAR can not afford the education of their children. You can imagine whose children are getting good education nowadays in order to replace the current generation of leaders in CAR!. The education system  is very critical today and must be a subject of prayer and action for those who want to see the next generation of Christians in the position of authority in the CAR or in the African continent.
It is a great concern for my family personally because we are not financially able to send our children in good schools where they can good education. Please pray for my son Jay and his sister Sulamite who are deeply affected by the information about their failure to be sponsored by the Government through the scholarship aid. As many of you are aware, the instability of the country does not allow the education system to run as we wish. Please pray that we can find solution for the education of our children in good schools.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet with the Director of the Prime Minister Cabinet and to present him my ministry of CIDEL and the training I had in Spain on DDR. He was pleased to learn that CIDEL has offered many training together with Pointman Leadership Institute to some institutions in CAR. He said that he wants me to find a way to present my ministry to the Prime Minister when he will be available. Pray also for that opportunity.
Thanks for carrying our burden together with us.
Sincerely yours

Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Wednesday July 31st 2013

In the midst of hard time, God is giving me more opportunities. The Central African Republic was invaded by a coalition of rebels who took the political power in March 24, 2013. In April Augustin has the opportunity to attend the Africa Pointman Leadership Institute’s team Directors in Nairobi, Kenya where a strategic plan was made for the Francophone and Anglophone Africa. Augustin was appointed Francophone Team Director to implement PLI leadership and anti-corruption seminars throughout the Francophone Africa.

In June Augustin participated to training on Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration in Barcelona, Spain and was able to visit his oldest son in Paris. The training on DDR helps in a country such as the Central African Republic that has more than 20,000 combatants since the last rebellion. The knowledge on DDR can be taught to Christians who are called for peace among people and peace with God. Back home I had the privilege to share the knowledge with the Minister of Religious Affairs and many other Pastors. I will organize trainings on that issue soon.

I just returned from a training mission to Cameroon where I spent days in Yaounde, the capital city to train custom officers and Douala the economic capital with the Christian Attorneys, Judges and Magistrates. The trainings were on the basic principles of leadership and the importance of ethics and the prevention of corruption. There was a huge impact on the participants of both seminars. Those from the custom department have made an official declaration to stand against corruption. Our team of Pointman Leadership Institute was asked by the Ministry of Justice, the General Deputy of Public Security and the Commission against corruption to consider going back to Cameroon for more seminars.

Three of our daughters are in Cameroon. One is at the University in Ngaoundere and the two other are waiting for peace and security to come back home. Please pray for our second daughter Netopha who is sick and is at the hospital in Yaounde.

Since Janet Varner missionary from Encompass World Partners is back from Cameroon, Marie Helene did pass her the accounting she was doing. We are still staying at the Mission’s compound until Ginger Hock visited the country in August. Below are some pictures of my recent trip to Cameroon.

Augustin Hibaile


 Saturday July 27th 2013

Dear prayer supporters,

We are graciously at the end of our seminars in Cameroon with great satisfaction and praise to God. Both seminars in Yaounde and Douala went very well. Yesterday we got a call from the Minister of Justice, the Deputy General of Public Security and the Prisons Administration to consider coming back again in Cameroon to have the same seminars with their departments. We are thrilled with joy and recognition for what God has done through our presentations and our testimonies. All the presenters did very well as we are all followers of Jesus.

Neil Collins from England went back this morning and we were three to present the anti-corruption seminar today. The participants were happy to receive the two certificates of completion of the basic leadership seminar and the corruption's one. The got the Pin of integrity that has the logo of Pointman Leadership Institute and promised to try to live according the the principles they have learn through the seminars and fight against the corruption that is rampant in their country.

We are thankful to all who have prayed for our these seminars. As the Francophone team leader, I am thankful to God for allowing me to have this training in such level of the Cameroonian society. The organizers of the seminars in Douala are women from the Advocates International who are dedicated to live their Christian's life in such corrupted environnment. They have shown great courage to stand for what is right even many are against.

I will be staying in Douala until Tuesday to wait for my flight. There is no immediate flight back to Bangui. My colleagues will be leaving all on Monday. Continue to pray for the contact I will have during my stay here with some brothers who are working on establishing CIDEL in Cameroon.

May God bless you.


Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Tuesday July 16th 2013

Dear prayer supporters,

We began our seminar yesterday with the custom officers of Cameroon in Mbankomo outside of Yaounde. The opening ceremony was outstanding with powerful speeches given by the President of the Committee of the promotion of Ethics and Good Governance in the Cameroonian's custom Department, the local Governor, the Representant of Pointman Leadership Institute and the Director General of the Custom Department. I was interviewed by the national TV journalists and the interview was broadcasted on TV in the evening.
The first day of our seminar on principle based leadership and the importance of ethics (character) went very well. The head of the custom department also stayed for the training. She said that she want to learn in order to make a different in her life and job. She is a very dedicated women who love the Lord Jesus and do her best to life with integrity. The General Director of the custom departement is the wife of a Pastor. Please pray for her that she will remind faithfull in the midst of hard time.
We are four PLI instructors in our team: We came from South Africa, England, CAR and Cameroon. Another team member who is our focal point of contact with the authorities here came from Switzerland. It is a great team of presenters of powerful message that will transform the lives of people. Pray that our seminars will impact the lives of many. We will teach the module on corruption this afternoon and tomorrow. The closing ceremony will take place tomorrow and will be under the authority of the Minister of Finance and the Embassadors of the various countries represented by the instructors.
Thanks for your prayer on our behalf. We will depart for Douala on Thursday morning for the second seminars with Attorneys, Judges, Magistrates until Saturday.
Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE
Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Friday July 12th 2013

Dear prayer supporters,

I was welcomed by my wife Marie Helene at the airport. She quickly informed me about my friend the former Rector of the University of Bangui, Professor Gustave Bobossi was was reappointed as Rector of the university last Friday. At home I phoned and congratulated him. In the evening, he called me and asked if I can meet with him today. I went to see him in his home. He said to me that I am a spiritual mirror to him since we met the first time in 2008 when he was appointed Rector of the University. He wants me to help him grow in his relationship with God in other to have a good leadership style during his mandate. We spent time reading 1 Kings 5 and noticed what God has said about Solomon. We prayed together before I left his home. 
For those who can remember, Professor Gustave is the one who has asked me to help build a chapel at the university campus. He has also asked Intervarsity and Seattle Pacific University to help with a new curriculum on Ethics and Micro enterprise. Now that he is back as the head of the University we will have more opportunity for the ministry of CIDEL among the students. Please pray for Professor Gustave as he is back to the University in a very difficult time. Pray also that God will give me more wisdom to help him obey God in his life.
I was asked by the Minister of Religious Affairs to meet with him tomorrow at 11:30 AM. Please pray that I will have God's wisdom as I meet with him. I don't know what topic we are going to discuss. But when I was in Spain, he emailed me to ask for that meeting.
Today my youngest boy Jeff was very sick. I brought him to the hospital twice. He has malaria and has vomited a lot. Please pray that he will recover his health very soon.
Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE
Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Thursday July 11th 2013

Greetings from home,

I am safely arrived home this morning. My family is doing fine. 
Thanks for your prayer and support during these last weeks.
Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE
Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Monday July 8th 2013

Greetings to all,

The advanced senior course on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Ex-combatants that took place in Barcelona last week ended very well. The last days were very intense (about 16 hours per day).
One of the highlight of that session was the simulation the participants were asked to perform in order to present a strategic programme for reintegration of the war (ex-combatants) in Lybia. We were considered as consultants put in groups to go to Lybia and meet various actors and stakeholders and make a proposal to the Worriors Armed Commission and donors for the reintegration of those ex-combatants. The exercice was very challenging and stressfull due to the timetable we had.But it's was very interested and I have gained understanding on how to do the consultation in that area of DDR. After the presentation we got good feedback from our advisors and received certificate of completion.
As many of you know, my country is facing a difficult time where arms, weapons are everywhere. The training I got will be helpful in my ministry even with churches because one of the modules deals with the religions and reintegration. It is important to help Christians understand about the conflict resolution to avoid religious wars. Please pray that God will give me wisdom as I go home to know how to apply the knowledge in DDR.
I am spending time with my oldest son Hyppolite who is in Paris. I will be going hometomorrow at 11:30 PM and be there on Thursday morning.
Thanks for your support and prayers during these weeks I am away of my family. God is protecting my family as the answer of your prayers.
Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE
Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Thursday July 4th 2013

Dear prayer supporters,

I praise God for God's protection of my family back home. It is a joy to to be able to skype with my wife while I am still in Barcelone. My family is doing well and the security situation is encouraging these days. The Military Forces of Central Africa (FOMAC) has started the disarmament process in Bangui. People are encouraged by the begining of the disarmament. Please pray that the process will go without risk.
The training in Barcelone is going well but more intensive. Today we went through the following modules: Supporting the reintegration of children, the reintegration of people with disabilities, the natural resource management and reintegration and the political reintegration. This evening our session will cover the Public information communication and awareness raising exercice, Gender responsive reintegration and Human rights, transitional justice and peace processes: Amnesty or Justice? The evening session will end at 11 PM.
From my faith and Christian perspectives, I understand that if the heart is not addressing in all the DDR process, we can not come to real peace. Real peace comes from repentance, conversion, forgiveness, reconciliation with God and with other people. Only Jesus will bring eternal peace to mankind.
I had a good talk with a participant from Sri Lanka who is catholic faith. He is in a mission is South Sudan.
I am thankful to your support in prayer for my family and my time in Spain.
Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE
Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Monday July 1st 2013

Greetings from the Meditaranean beach

Our session went well yesterday. We covered subjects such as: Reintegration in peace agreements, conflict analysis for reintegration, disarmament and demobilization, reinsertion and reintegration, community security and small arms and light weapons and community based reintegration and security.  Our trainers came from Sierra Leone, Spain, Sweden, Ivory Cost, Holland and Sudan. There were very interesting things shared on behalf of reintegrating ex-combatants in there communities.
Today, we are going to add more knowledge from 9AM to 6:30 PM. I appreciate your prayer for me as well as my family back home. I had the opportunity to skype with my wife even help her on how to attach her financial report to her email to Janet Varner in Cameroon. My wife is taking care of the mission account after the missionnaries have left the country two months ago. Pray for her in that responsabilitiy in such a time is this.
Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE
Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Saturday June 29th 2013

Greetings from Barcelona,

Our advanced course on Reintegration of ex-combatants organized by Transition International and the Barcelona International Peace Resource Center (BIPRC) begun this afternoon with almost 20 participants from various countries: Nepal, Sudan, South Sudan, CAR, Colombia, Guinea-Bissau, Spain, Kenya, Somalia, Afganistan, Ivory Cost, Libya, Italy and DRC. I am the only one coming from CAR.
The introduction of the advanced course went very this afternoon than we had a cocktail outside of the hotel where we can look on the Meditaranean ocean (beautiful view from the top of the mountain where is located the nice hotel Gran Hotel Rey Don Jaime).
During the individual presentation of the participant a participant from Lybia was interested in the leadership training I am involved with Pointman Leadership Institute. He spent time with me to learn about how PLI can help train ex-combatants in Lybia on a transformational leadership course. Mustafa Elsagezli is an ex civilian combatant during the revolution against Kadafi. He is seeking ways to help the other combatants change their behaviour of conflict to a mind of building their nation.
Our program is very intense but with interesting subjects to cover. As many of you know, my country is facing a war with more than 20,000 ex-combatants who need a DDR program. In June 2011 my country has begun with a program and process of disarmament, demobilization and Reinsertion. Unfortunately the program felt into a new rebellion that has destroyed the socio-economic structure of the country and mainly the lost of many lives since today.
The knowledge I will acquire from this course will help in my ministry of CIDEL. This program need a Christian input in order to bring real and everlasting peace among people and with God.
I will greatly appreciate your prayer on my behalf while I am very busy learning and thinking how to apply the concepts and program in my country.
I was encouraged this morning during my devotion with the passage of Proverbs 29. The verse 2 said "when the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan." That is the picture of my country at this very difficult moment. As today is June 29, that chapter reminds me of the current situation of CAR that need lot of prayers.
Thanks for your friendship and cooperation with me in my ministry.
I appreciate all your effort to pray for my family, my ministry and my country.
Best regards
Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE
Executive Directeur of CIDEL
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