News Archive:

 Thursday February 18th 2016

Dear prayer supporters of CIDEL,

CIDEL needs two new people to join Augustin in the ministry at the University. With the new government in view, CIDEL will have much to do for the country. Your prayers are needed for CIDEL to be able to hire new workers.



 Thursday February 11th 2016

Dear prayer warriors,

On Sunday February 14, 2016 the elections of a new president of CAR and the parliament will take place. Two candidates are on list Professor Faustin Archanges Touadera (Ph. D. in Maths) and Anicet Georges Dologuele, a Bank manager.

Please pray for them.





 Wednesday February 10th 2016


My two weeks engagement to train students at the Baptist theological seminary will end this coming Friday, February 12, 2016. The course on pastoral ethics and servant leadership has a great impact on the students. Praise God.
On Friday, I will be attending the graduation ceremony of the students at the military academy where the President of the State will be there. I had the opportunity to train those students on military ethics in December 2015. Another opportunity to train the high rank officers of the military was given to me for February 16, 2016. Pray that many hearts will be reached for the glory of God.
My family is doing fine. My daughter Neto went to study English in Accra, Ghana for six months. As she has a degree in tourism, she need English for her profession. Please pray for her as she is facing some difficulties to adjust to the new settings there. She has to rent a house for six months but only find houses for one year rent.
Pray also for our son Jay who is preparing his third year diploma at the university of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso.
We appreciate your prayers for the elections that will take place this coming Sunday, February 14th.

 Tuesday February 2nd 2016

Greetings to all,

Yesterday, God put in my heart to challenge the two candidates of the presidential elections on "decision making in government and governing as Statesmen". It is a four pages principles for governance that will prevent war.
Both of them gave me a good feedback this morning that is very encouraging. I am sure one of them will lead this country in the coming months so it is necessary to help them think positively. I also challenge them to lead the country in the way that they will benefit with the Mo Ibrahim Nobel Price for African good governance given to the heads of the States who finish their mandate and pass the baton of leadership to new elected presidents.
I am working on a project of a leadership seminar for the new members of the government who will be appointed after the elections. Pray that God will make such encounter a reality.
Pray for a prayer time I will have with Mr Touadera on Thursday and probably with Dologuele sometime this weekend.

 Friday January 22nd 2016

Greetings from Bangui,

As we are waiting for the final proclamation of the first round of the elections on Monday January 25, 2016 by the Constitution Court at 10 am our time, I ask you all to mobilize many in prayer for the acceptation of the results by the candidates of the presidential elections. There are some who do not want to fail in these elections.
Pray that God will work in the hearts of the people to seek peace and reconciliation.
As you know, the two first candidates are my friends. Pray that they can go to the second round scheduled for January 31.

 Saturday January 16th 2016

Greetings from Bangui,

The national conference of the Union of Grace Brethren Churches was over yesterday. Although it is difficult financially for people to come to the conference, many Pastors and Christians have made it with moto bikes. The estimation of the delegates may be around 2000.

Good things happen during the conference.

1- The women organization of OTN has a new officers. Marie Helene gave a very good report of her mandate that has provided the OTN organization with a new constitution and a new building that is their headquarters. The new office will be led by the following women:

National Presidente: Mrs DINFIO Sophie (District of Bangui 2)
Vice President: Mrs Ouessea Marie Noelle (Pasor's Widow from Bossangoa)
Secretary: Mrs Nganahoyan Antoine (district of Bouar)
Treasurer: Mrs Guinambaye Alphonsine (District of Paoua 2)
Advisor: Mrs Laida Alice (Pastor's widow district of Bangui 1)

2- the 2017 national conference will take place in Yaloke from January 10-13, 2017
President: Dollo Mathurin (principal of Yaloke High School)
Vice President: Pastor Namguerewi Theodore (Berberati)
Secretary: Deacon Bayani Martin (Bangui1)
Treasurer : Gobenam Sylvain Patrice (Carnot)
Song leader: Tenguere Matthieu (Sibut)

3- the national conference has voted the Charis Alliance Charte. That means, the UEEF is a member of Alliance Charis, the global fellowship of the Unions of GBC.

4- the conference has decided that the Pastors who are still leading churches without Pastors MUST give freedom to the churches to vote for their own pastors. We want to encourage that each local church has at least one pastor.

5- the conference has refused to the district of Paoua 2 to create a new Bible Institute, but continue to send their students to the existing Bible Institutes that are even struggling with finances.

6- CIDEL has an opportunity to present a report on its 10 years of existence. The report was presented by Martin Bayani a member of CIDEL. We praise God for what was done through his grace. We are still seeking financial funds to connect the electricity and water and equip the new chapel with chairs, tables and other furniture. Please pray for that need so that we can start using the building.

7- my coworker Armel has moved to the university as part of his office to watch over the building until the dedication.

Please see attached the pictures of those who will lead the 2017 national conference. Pray for the elections of the new members of the office of the UEEF during that conference.


photo 1 (4) photo 2 (6)

 Sunday January 10th 2016


I will be going to the national conference of the Grace Brethren Churches of CAR tomorrow with my wife at Bossembele 186 km from Bangui.
My wife and I will be very busy at the conference. Marie Helene will present her final report of leading the women organization OTN for three terms. Now she is going to pass the baton of leadership to a new elected President. She was forced to have one more mandate in order to finish the building of the OTN's headquarters she started before 2010. Now she will pass the key of the new building to the new elected. Praise God.
I will be part of the Executive Committee meeting starting tomorrow at 10 am than present the report of the 10 years of CIDEL's ministry and also conduct a workshop on "Why few churches in CAR have bible classes with Christians". After the workshop, we will make some recommendations to encourage churches to organize more bible classes. 
Please pray for the trip and the mission to the national conference. A member of CIDEL will also go with us to talk to people there about the new chapel building at the university and ask for some help for the furnitures.
We will be out of internet connexion. You can reach me only by phone.
P.S. - Praise God to of my friends are on the top list of the candidates to the presidential elections and are going to the second round inJanuary 31st. Today, it's was broacasted that 15 candidates have given Mr Touadera their voices. Touadera is the one I have weekly encounter during his mandate as a Prime Minister. Pray, pray and pray.

 Friday January 1st 2016

Happy new year 2016.

In the Central African Republic we close the 2015 year with elections that will give us a new President and new members of the Parliament after two years of political transition. The result of the first round of the elections will be known next week. Please continue to pray.

Today Marie Helene and I were invited to the first diner of the new year with 10 couples of the 17th we have been ministering in their marriages since 2005. The meal was organized in the honor of our couple. We were blessed by the testimonies of the couples who have been positively influenced by our couple.

Our prayer is that this year will be blessed for each of us. Thanks to you all who have been a blessing to our family and ministry.

Please see attached some of the pictures.


Dr. Augustin Hibaile 

photo 2 (5)

 Tuesday December 22nd 2015

Greetings from Bangui, CAR

The CAR is going through a tough time with the referundum of a new
constitution that was voted. On this coming Sunday December 27th we
will have the elections of a President and members of the new

It is in this context that I was asked to give an ethical leadership
training to the military at the Academy today. I will be training
the 60 students at the military academic on the basic seminar about
the Power of Character.

Please pray for a great impact on that new generation of military.



 Tuesday December 22nd 2015

Greetings to all,

My last seminar of the year 2015 was conducted today at the military academy in Bangui. About 60 high ranking military attended the seminar on the power of character. The participants were challenged to consider a paradigm shift in their behavior and character in order to inspire trust and confidence among the people.

Praise God for the opportunity he gave me to address the head, heart and hand of those leaders of the military. Although I missed the opportunity of an encounter with the 30 candidates to the presidential elections before the elections on December 27, 2015, I am thankful for the opportunity I have today.

Praise God.


photo 3 (4) 

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