News Archive:

 Sunday December 2nd 2012

Dear prayer worriors,
Please pray for our trip to Bambari, East part of the CAR. Together with missionnaries Greg Burgess from Encompass World Partners and Harry from SIM, we are travelling today to Bambari for the Pastors' conference to equip them with Christian books and Bible Online. The conference in Bangui had plus 600 participants. We are expecting 300 pastors in Bambari and than 300 in Berberati, West part of the country.
Pray for protection on the road. I am excited to be one of the speakers. My theme is on leadership and the importance of ethics. 
Together in Christ,

Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Saturday December 1st 2012

Greetings from the Central African Republic,
We had a busy week conducting Pastors' conference in Bangui. About 600 Pastors from all denominations gathered together for three days of conference organized by SIM and Encompass to equip Pastors with Christian Books and commentaries. I was one of the speakers. I taught on leadership, ethics, and how the pastoral leadership has impacted the lives in the CAR society. Praise God, I was encouraged by the response and feedback of the participants.
Next week we will have the same conference at Bambari the East part of the country with 300 other pastors and the following week at Berberati West of CAR with 300 pastors.  The sets of books are a real Christmas gift all the pastors enjoy very much. Thanks to all those who have contributed in providing those books for 18000 Pastors throughout the Francophone Africa countries.
Please continue to pray for the insurance company will react soon. I am handicaped in my ministry do to the lack of mean of transportation. I some of my emails, I presented my desire of a ministry trip to the USA in 2013. If you find it possible, please try to contact some churches to plan that visit.
I am still waiting the transfer of the money for the building of the Ethics Center/Chapel to begin the construction asap. I am very thankful to God and all those who have contributed to that project. God is giving me a great opportunity in the moment to minister to more than 250 students of the Department of Economics. This semester I am teaching them ethical leadership and they are very pleased to participate to my class. I believe that with the Center of Ethics/Chapel, we will have more ministries toward students and staff of the university. Please pray for lasting impact upon the university of Bangui.
My family is doing fine. Pray for my daughter Sulamite who is studying in Ngaoundere, Cameroon. Praise God my daughter COncile Netopha succeeded in her defense for her degree in Tourism and Hostess last weekend. Pray that she can find a job sooner.
Thanks for your friendship and support.

Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Tuesday November 20th 2012

Dear prayer supporters,

I am safely back home from my mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo. I landed two hours ago and found my family in good health. Praise God and thank to all of you who have prayed.
The mission was blessed from my departure to my arrival. On the plane I met a young lady Vina from Angola. She was ready her Bible in the book of Jeremiah when I came to seat near her. I was also reading the book of Jeremiah this month and read chapter 15 this morning before my departure from Brazzaville. She was reading chapter 16. We shared about our faith in Christ and she asked some questions such as:
1. Is wine forbiden by God?
2. What about preacher who add their thought and idea or take off what God said in the Bible?
3. Are miracles in the book of Acts relevant for our days?
I praise God for the opportunity to share his words on the ground and in the air.
More later.

Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Saturday November 17th 2012

Dear partners in the ministry
After two days of basic seminar on ethical leadership we ended our seminars yesterday by teaching on how to fight against corruption. Before we had the graduation ceremony at the Parliament conference room, each participant (police, gendarms, administrators of prisons) gave us their feedback on paper. We are pleased with their encouragment to come back and teach them more.
The graduation ceremony went very well. The national TV and radio came to broadcast the ceremony. I had the opportunity to speak on behalf of our Pointman team, to thank the people for inviting us and to encourage the participants to work hard to become leaders of integrity.
During the evening we were invited to the diner at Olympic Hotel where the National Prayer Breakfast was opened. There were delegates from the USA (the former Senator from North Carolina), Germany, England, Swiss, Ivory Cost, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo and myself from CAR. We shared our common faith in Jesus and encourage each other to be a salt and light wherever we are.
Today will be the National Prayer Breakfast where the Political leaders of the Congo, the Senators, MPs and other VIPs are invited. My friends will depart tomorrow but I will be staying until november 20 to get my flight home. I hope that by waiting, God will give me opportunity to minister to other people. There are some people I met during my arrival in Brazzaville who are interested in CIDEL. They want to learn how to establish CIDEL in Congo. Pray for the rest of the time I will have before I go back to be with my family.
Praise God for his blessings during those two weeks of ministry. May God bless you for your continuous support.

Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Friday November 16th 2012

Dear supporters,

Yesterday was another outstanding day God has given our team to speak with conviction about truths that can bring tranformation in the lives of people. We ended our basic leadership seminar focused on Ethics yesterday afternoon.
Today is our last day with the Police, gendarms and administrators of prisons we are training them since last Wednesday. We will cover our second topic on how to fight against corruption. We are glad that some members of Parliament and Senators also are participating to the seminars. The president of the national commission of anti corruption is also part of the seminar. He has been a former member of the Government and very interested to our seminars. The graduation ceremony will take place this this afternoon.
We appreciate your continuous prayers on our behalf. This evening Daniel Beckman from Swiss will fly home and the rest will go on Sunday. I will be the last to go home on Tuesday november 20 due to my flight schedule.
Together in Christ

Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Tuesday November 13th 2012

Dear prayer supporters,

The basic and anti corruption seminars we offered to the Police officers of Kinshasa, DRC is over today. The team has safely arrived with all our luggages last week. On Friday when we went to Police headquarters, we weren't sure to have the seminars. Two options were in our minds: If we don't get enough participants, because many went to another seminars 40 km from Kinshasa, we will postponed the seminar until Monday to finish on Tuesday. The second option was that if we have participants who have already participated to the seminars, we will try to organize the full up by hearing their feedback first than repeat the basic and anti corruption.
Fortunately things went well for us. On Friday we had a number of participants who were mostly new to the PLI seminars. The seminar was started with an official opening ceremony with the DRC antemn and the welcome speech of the representant of the General Police Commissionner who was not in the country. The seminar begun around 10 AM until 6 PM. The basic was ended today before noon and we introduced the anti corruption two hours before the noon break. About 60 participants benefited from our training today. They have contributed very much with questions on how to improve their integrity. The closing ceremony was done before the Assistant General Commissionner and two members of Parliament. The head of the Police Chaplain, Colonel Kalima said some words of thanks to the National Police for the support in the organization of the seminars that are very needed for their national Police. Than Augustin Hibaile who is the Team Leader thanked all who have made this time meaningful for all. He reminded the participants on what they have learnt during the two days and encouraged them to put into practice the 8 character traits and develop a conviction in fighting against corruption during their career. After the speech of the Assistant General Commissionner the graduation ceremony took place and a cocktail offered during the ceremony. It's was a very good ceremony.
On Sunday the team went to a church in the Police Camp in Lemba. There, Augustin the team leader was asked to preach during the church service. After the presentation of the team and our goal in Kinshasa, the team leader taught about the core values of Pointman with the 8 character traits and focused his bible teaching of the book of Job 1:1-13. The theme of the message was on Job's test of integrity. That powerful message was reported today to the Assistant General Commissionner who has asked Augustin to speak on the same theme tomorrow during a big meeting of all the staff and Police officers at the Kinshasa Police headquarters at 9 AM. That ceremony was planned as the result of the impact of the National Prayer Breakfast and the PLI seminars. It's will be a thanksgiving prayer time that will bring the Police to begin their national prayer breakfast encouraged by some MPs.
Our team will be crossing the river to the Republic of Congo tomorrow in the afternoon. There we will have the same seminars with new people from the Police, Gendarm and military. We hope God will suprise us with a number of participants in the seminars. We pray that the impact of those seminars will be like in Liberia or more than that. In Brazzaville our team are invited to participate to their second year of their National Prayer Breakfast on Saturday november 17, 2012.
When we wait for God, every plan we have go well. We are all fine in our team and have increase the number of our friends here in DRC. During the National Prayer Breakfast last Saturday, we met several leaders from 14 countries who were invited to that event.
We continue to ask for your prayer support for the rest of our activities as well as our health and protection.
Together with Jesus we can do more for his kingdom.

Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Wednesday November 7th 2012

Greetings from Democratic Republic of Congo,

Yesterday I had a safe flight from Bangui to Congo Brazzaville. Right after arriving at the Wycliff Bible Center in Brazzaville, I was introduced to a group of Christians who organized themselves as the "friends of the Bible". They invited me to speak to them about Christian Ethics in the workplace and how to fight against bad values. It's was a good time of sharing that brought them to a partnership with CIDEL.

I did cross the river to Kinshasa in DRC this afternoon. We will have our first seminar with the Police on friday and Monday than go back to Brazzaville for another seminar with the officers of Police and Gendarms. I am currently with Henri Minder from the Christian Police Association of Switzerland. Tomorrow we will welcome the rest of our team from England and Switzerland. We appreciate your prayers for the mission to DRC and Congo these two weeks. Pray also for my family back in CAR.


Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Monday November 5th 2012

Today I brought Dave Guiles (Encompass World Partners Executive Director) team to visit with the Prime Minister in his cabinet. It's was a very nice visit and sharing in a spiritual atmosphere. They prayed for the Prime Minister.
Last Sunday, I invited the medical doctor Martin I met in his office on Tuesday. Martin did show an interest for Jesus and was looking for an evangelical church to attend. I got the opportunity to present him before the church during the service and he was welcomed by the brothers and sisters. Martin is engaged to attend our church and be baptized. Please pray for him as he seeks to grow spiritually.
I will be going to Congo Brazzaville tomorrow in the afternoon. Just after my arrival, I will be going to present a bible study on the theme Christian Ethics in fighting against the lack of values in the professional setting. A group of believers who gather every Tuesday at the Wycliff Bible Center are willing to hear me developing that topic. Please pray for a safe trip and for a good presentation.
Please pray for my family and for my trip and ministry in the two countries.

Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Tuesday October 9th 2012

ince I am back from my mission trip to Chad, I am back to work.
1. I am in touch with the insurance company to have my vehicle be repaired. The insurance is in contact with the insurance company of the other truck in Cameroon before any decision to repair the vehicule. Pray that God will work for fast repairment.
2. Since my vehicle was damaged due to the accident, it is not easy to get to my office that is downtown about 11 km from my home. I can't minister to many offices as I did before with my car.  An example is that I missed my prayer time with the Prime Minister today because of a big rain started early in the morning. I rode a motorcycle to go to the Prime Minister cabinet this morning and was stopped by the rain. I did phoned him to present my situation. He was willing to send his driver get me but it's was not possible with the motorcycle. We finally postponed our prayer time until tomorrow morning at 9AM. Because of that accident, we lose to harvest our peanut on time.
3. My wife Marie Helene is recovering from her psychological trauma after the accident. She sometime woke up at night and said that she still has the picture of the accident in her mind. Please pray that she will totally recover from that.  Pray also that my wife will find a job since she lost her job of training young people and adults on True love waits/ True love stays and help them avoid HIV/AIDS.
4. CIDEL is working with the Ministry of Interior to organize a leadership seminar for the State governors (Prefets), their assistants and local leaders. Pray that everything will go well and that the training will go throughout the country (this year and the coming years)
5. My children are back to school. They were blessed by God during their last school year. All of them have succeeded in their schools. Our daughther Sulamite is now studying in Cameroon to avoid the continuous strikes of the students and teachers that prevent their school year here. Pray that God will meet my children need.
6. Augustin's training experience at the Missiological Bible School in Chad last month was a joyfull experience. It's raised up the level of his teaching hability. There have been many invitations from the Chadians to go back for more training. Praise God.
7. Augustin's coworker Gaspard Mamang is in holiday starting today until november 16. Pray that he will spend a good time with his family and be refresh for his second year of ministry with CIDEL. Augustin is alone in the office this month.
8. The Rector of the university will sign some details regarding the building construction of the chapel and the project will become a reality soon. Continue to pray for the need to cover all the budget for the construction. Thanks to all those who have contributed to that project. We value your support.
9. CIDEL has founded close to 20 small groups of university students around the leadership training initiative. Some groups are in their sixth weeks of learning on the Habitudes: images that form the habitudes and attitudes of leadership by Dr. Tim Elmore from Growing leaders. That training is focused on bible verses and contemporary examples of leaders. Yesterday, I participated to a session of one of the small group that has 15 students. I was encouraged by the enthusiasm to learn how to develop their character.  That group will be soon divided in two groups to have less that 10 people in a group. Pray that a new generation of godly leaders will raise up through that new initiative among the students of the university of Bangui.
10. I just got an invitation to lead a Pointman team of instructors to conduct seminars in the Democratic Republic of Congo (I have been there twice for the same purspose) a a Team Director who can speak and teach in French. DRC is one of the biggest country that can bless other African countries if the leaders grow in God's knowledge and his fear. Pointman has begun training among the Police and Military since 2006. Pray that the seed planted there will bring a real change among people.
11. On my way back from Chad to CAR, I spent a night in Douala, Cameroon and had the opportunity to conduct a conference on the theme of Christian and corruption. About 100 people came to the meeting and expressed their gratitude for their understanding of that subject through the biblical perspective. My friend Richard Houmegni who is working to create CIDEL in Cameroon is the one who organized that conference. Pray for Richard as God is leading to minister to those in positions of authority in Cameroon.
Thanks for taking time to read and pray together with us.
We value your partnership with the Hibailes and CIDEL in CAR.


Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Saturday September 29th 2012

Dear prayer partners,

I am back home from my mission to Chad. On my way home, I had a
conference with close to 100 Christians to whom I taught on how a
Christian can fight against corruption. A retired Police Commissionner
also share on how a Christian can live in faith in the Police. He is a
good example of a man of integrity in the Cameroonian Police. He
(Joseph Fotso) and Richard Houmegni are the two who are working
together to create CIDEL in Cameroon. Pray for them and for all who
have heard sound biblical principles of living Christian faith in the
midst of difficult life.

A Pastor from Ivory Cost who left his country during the civil war was
at the meeting and shared about his experience. He said that he was in
CAR and now in Cameroon with a broken heart and a questions to God for
his wife and child who were killed in front of him during the war. He
thanks God that my speech during the conference was an answer to him.
He said: my broken heart is heald and I will go back to my country
with new perspective.

My family is doing well. The vehicle that has the accident is waiting
for the insurance to repair it. The insurance said that it's will take
a year because the has to discuss with the insurance company of the
other truck that is in Cameroon before any decision. So, please that
God will lead them to a very short period of making a decision to fix
the vehicle that is very needed for my ministry. I have two commitment
of teaching Ethics and leadership in a Theological Seminary and at the
Department of Economics and Management starting in October. Also, I
will be busy organizing the seminars for the governors and other
leaders from the Ministry of Interior.

I value your prayer support for my family and my ministry.


Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

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