News Archive:

 Monday August 6th 2012

Dear prayer supporters,

Last week was blessed with many activities in churches, offices and
workplaces. I praise God for the open door and opportunity to share
good news with so many people.

Three churches were visited last week for ministry. In two churches, I
met with close to hundred students to create small groups for the
leadership training following the student leadership conference held
last March. As it is little bit difficult to meet with the students in
the university campus because they were busy with the elections of the
board members of the students' body and the strike of the teachers,
the easiest way is to meet with the students in different churches in
the city. In one church we have set four groups of students who will
begin their leadership training on the book: Habitudes: images that
form the habitudes and attitudes of leadership by Dr Tim Elmore. On
Thursday we will meet with those groups to train them on how to lead
their groups and benefit from the teaching of the book. On Friday we
will meet with students from another church to organize their groups.

On Sunday I was at the Baptist church where the Prime Minister is a
member. We were together at the church service and I had the
opportunity to give announcement about the leadership small groups.
After the church service I met with about 40 students who are
interested in taking that training. On Friday we will meet again to go
further in the organization of their groups. Today, the Prime Minister
did sponsored the books for the 40 students who show up last Sunday.
Each one student will get the book on the Habitudes on Friday. The
Prime Minister is committed to see the transformation of the young
people in the CAR. He said that young people need to be trained on
Biblical values so that they can be transformed themselves and be
agents of transformation of the nation.

Last Saturday was also busy for me. In the morning I went to the
meeting of the leaders of Sunday schools to train them on the
Christian leadership among young people. They was taught to be good
examples of parents before they can lead other young people. Young
people are looking for adults with good character to imitate them. At
noon, I went to meet with a team from Ashland Grace Brethren who came
to Bangui, CAR to help in building the James Gribble's Theological
Seminary in town. I was invited by the team to share about the
ministry of CIDEL. In the afternoon, I was involved in counselling two
couples. One couple has a marriage problem and the second are
preparing their wedding that will take place in August 18th. The day
was ended by a visit to a family who's member passed away.

The new week begun well with our weekly prayer time in the Prim
Minister cabinet. It's was a time of praise and thanks to God who is
still  blessing in such a way that the Prime Minister leadership is
going well. He still ask for prayer support to have wisdom and
knowledge to better lead the government of the CAR. I missed two other
meetings today. One with the Minister of Interior to discuss the plan
for a leadership seminar with the governors of the 16 states of CAR.
The second with the Director General of Ecobank who is willing to have
me speak and present CIDEL to the group of enterpreuneurs of CAR.

Thanks to you all for your prayers.
We need much prayers for our impact among the students and those in
positions of authority.

Together in Christ

Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Wednesday July 25th 2012

Greetings from the Hibailes,

We praise God for the success of our second son Jay Regui Wone-zimi
Hibaile after his bachelor exam. Jay tested his knowledge in taking
the exam one year ahead. We are thankful for his success and pray for
his next step in his studies.

Please pray that we can find a scholarship to help with his university studies.
Thanks for your continuous support of our family.


Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Monday July 23rd 2012

Greetings to all,

Yesterday my wife Marie Helene and me celebrated the Sunday, Jesus'
victory over the death in a Baptist church where I had the opportunity
to preach to the French service. The theme I developed was based on
Romans 12:1-2 on the renewal of our knowledge. Praise God for many who
are willing to commit themselves to Jesus who can renew their
thinking. We pray for spiritual transformation among Christians in

The week begun well with the prayer time at the cabinet of the Prime
Minister. It's was a good time to read from the word of God and
reflect on it. Pray that God will give him his wisdom during the week
to overcome all obstacles in his leadership. My coworker Gaspard and I
had a meeting with the student network committee of leadership to
discuss about the start of the small leadership groups among the
students. We plan to create the small groups of students leadership
training in the churches. Yesterday, I met with some students at the
Baptist church who are going to start their groups. We appreciate your
prayers for launching the leadership training through small groups of

I am waiting the Rector's return to discuss some other issues
regarding CIDEL's ministry within the university. Pray for her as she
is traveling in foreign countries on behalf of the university.

God bless each of you while you bless other people.


Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Friday July 20th 2012

Greetings to all,

Being home with the family is a joy. I am back more than a week and is
enjoying a joyfull family reunion with my wife and children. The
results of the school year of my children went well. My oldest son
Hyppolite will finish his intership in Paris this month and go back to
his university for the defense of his thesis. He is looking for a job
that can bring him back to work in Africa. Pray for Hyppolite in
France for the moment.

Our oldest daughter Jessie is looking for a job in the departement of
commerce. Our second daughter Netopha is working on the report of her
intership in tourism. She is also looking for a job. Our third
daughter Sulamite is continuing her studies in Physics and chemistry
but is facing a new strike of her teachers since yesterday. Pray that
she can go back to school soon to finish her school year. Jay our
second son has tested his knowledge by trying the bachelor degree one
year ahead. He is waiting for the result of the exam.

As a family we are planning a vacation near Boali falls to be with
pastor Abakar and his family when God provide fuel for our vehicle.
Pastor Abakar who was from another religious faith and became a
Christian, is in the ministry for about six years now. He has worse
motorcyle accident twice and survived by the grace of God. He need
encouragement of friends. Pray for Pastor Abakar and his family as
they are serving now the Lord of the CHURCH in a village of Boyali.
They have been in the village of Lambi and just moved to Boyali on the
main road to Cameroon.

I thank God for my coworker Gaspard Gaston Mamang who work for CIDEL
and took my responsability while I was in Europe. He has done good
work to contact various people, the University to create small groups
of students for a new course of leadership (the habitudes: images that
form the habitude and attitude of leadership, by Dr. Tim Elmore).
Please support Gaspard by your prayers and letter of encouragement
(his email address is: "gaspardmamang" <>).
Without Gaspard, I can not make such progress with the activities of

It's was good to be reunited with the Prime Minister in our weekly
prayer time. We praise God for the support of his leadership with the
donation of the International Monetary Funds last month. Continue to
pray for him as he seeks God's direction and help to provide a
Christian leadership in the government. The audience I had with the
Minister of Interior last Wednesday gave an opportunity to organize
leadership for the leaders of his departement. We appreciate your
prayers as we are considering the training of the leaders of the
Ministry of Interior in the coming months.

The General Director of ECOBANK a panafrican bank in Bangui is willing
to introduce me to the group of entrepreneurs of the CAR for a
presentation of the ministry of CIDEL. He has already sponsored a
leadership seminar we conducted on behalf of the Mayors, chiefs of
villages of the State of Ombella-Mpoko in March 2012. Pray that God
will use me to touch the hearts of those entrepreneurs who can express
favour to the ministry of CIDEL by sponsoring seminars to local
government leaders of other States (we have 16 states in the CAR).

As we are planning the future, we must continue to trust God to make
things happen for his glory. We appreciate your prayer support and
encouragement in our ministry.

Have a nice week end and let's expect great things from our God in our lives.

Together in Christ

Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Wednesday July 18th 2012

Greetings from CAR,

I met with the Minister of Interior this morning about his desire to
have CIDEL help in conducting leadership seminars for the key leaders
of his departement including the governors of the States.

CIDEL will be contacted soon to set dates for those trainings. We
appreciate your prayers for that opportunity with those


Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Sunday July 15th 2012

Dear partners in the Ministry,

Below is a report of my visit to Germany written by Becky Pappas. She
has clearly explained what happen and the follow up of my ministry
there. Please pray for the TV project and other opportunities.

"Thank you for praying for Augustin’s visit here in Aalen.  He ended
up having a very full week with us, which already was an answer to
prayer because we didn’t have much advance notice to try to get
meetings set up.  He had two opportunities to present his work, one on
Sunday afternoon in our church rooms and one on Monday evening through
another Christian group in town.  The response was very positive; many
were encouraged to hear that someone is seeing some success in the
battle against corruption in Africa. All day Tuesday he was able to
visit the headquarters of a major German Christian radio and TV
broadcaster (ERF - Evangeliums Rundfunk). A 7-8 minute TV interview
was recorded and will be broadcast throughout the German speaking
world on July 30th. He also did a short radio interview.  On the day
Augustin was there, the world-wide director of Trans World Radio was
visiting as well (TWR works closely with ERF). The man who conducted
the interview was able to talk with him about the possibility of TWR
using their broadcasting station in the Ivory Coast to feature
Augustin’s work in some of their broadcasts throughout Africa.  There
seems to be an open door here.  In addition, ERF would like to send a
filming team to Bangui, CAR to produce a short film on Augustin’s
ministry to be broadcast in Germany, possibly on some of the major
German commercial TV stations.  This, however, would require the
raising of about $15,000 to help cover the costs of the film crew.  On
Wednesday Augustin reported at one of our home Bible study groups in
Aalen, and on Thursday he spent a couple of hours at a local high
school talking to several 9th and 10th grade classes about his work.
We were privileged and thankful to have Augustin with us once again.
Please continue to pray for him, his family and his ministry. Finally,
pray that the editors of several local newspapers will indeed print
(unedited) the article written by two men from our church.  The
article, with pictures, has been delivered to all the local papers and
there seems to be interest on the parts of some to print the article
sometime soon."  (Becky Pappas - missionary in Aalen, Germany).


Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Friday July 13th 2012

Dear partners in the Ministry,

Praise God for my European visit and ministry on behalf of the Center
Internatinal for the Development of Ethical Leadership (CIDEL). During
21 days I was able to participate to the 17th International Gathering
of the Christian members of Parliaments in Berlin, visit friends and
churches in Germany and France, be interviewed on Christian TV and
radio, discuss and plan about the future ministry of CIDEL with some
individuals. My time with my son was one of the highlights of my time
in Europe. I was impressed by the spiritual growth of my son and amaze
that he drove me from the south west of Paris to the north for my
flight from Charles DeGaulle Airport.

God has a amazing plan for those who trust him and are committed to
his ministry. On the plane I sat beside the Minister of Interior of
CAR. He was on his seat before I came. When he saw me coming, he said,
"Doctor, I am aware of your ministry in Europe. A Christian Ethic
organization you emailed them to ask for their documents, called me
and asked about your credibility. My answer to them was, this man (Dr
Hibaile) is so respected, you can trust him." Than he said to me, now
I can understand why I was sent to that seat. God has planned that we
meet to share and plan. He asked about my ministry and said that in
their last meeting of the members of Government, the Prime Minister
insisted on a training on leadership and want to organize a
governmental leadership seminar. He finally asked me to organize a
leadership seminar for the governors (Prefets) of the 16 states. I
will meet him on Monday after my prayer time with the Prime Minister
to discuss further about that new opportunity.

I know that God has a great plan for me in my country, in Africa and
in the world. Please continue to support me in your prayers so that I
can be able to meet the need ahead me. I am spending the weekend at
home with my children.

Thanks to you all for your support.


Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Thursday July 12th 2012

Greetings to you all,

Just a note to let you know that I arrived safely yesterday and found
my family very fine. Praise God.

thanks to all of you who have contributed to the success of my trip to Europe.
Thanks to friends from Europe for the encouraging time we had
together. Hope to continue to work together to further God's plan on



Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Sunday July 8th 2012

Greetings from Paris,

I praise God for the very special time he gives me with my son and
friends here in Paris. Hyppolite has shown his gratitude for the kind
of education he got from me and his mom. He said that when he was
young, he considered the education very severe, but today he is
enjoying the good from our education. I am thankful to God for giving
me and my wife the knowledge and wisdom in that art of parenting based
on biblical principles.

Hyppolite has a concern about finding job right after his intership
with Alcatel-Lucent and study at the university of Troyes in August
2012. His desire is to find a job here and go back to Africa to work
there. Another important prayer request he has is for a wise choice
for a live partner for his marriage. We taught about it most of our
time together and he prays for a wife who will love God, love his
parents and love him. Could you join us in praying that God will lead
him in the right path.

I also had the opportunity with the encompass world partners'
missionaries Rob and Nichole Plaster who live in Paris. Yesterday I
was introduce to their Bible Study's group where I had the opportunity
to present the ministry of CIDEL. We had a very interested time
together. Late in the evening we were invited by the Plasters' friend
from Chad who lives in Paris and attend their Bible study. I was
acquainted with Abdelkerim in 2007 in that Bible Study in the
Plasters' home. We had a good evening with Abdelkerim and discussed
more about how we can be part of the Agents of the transformation of
Africa. Abdelkerim is a very good friend to the Plasters. He always
bring other friends to the Plasters who can develop good relationship
with them and have the opportunity to share Jesus with them. Last
night it was a medical doctor who was introduced to the Plasters by
Abdelkerim. Pray that the Plasters can seize the opportunity of a
ministry with that young doctor.

I have two more days to spend with my son before heading back home on
Wednesday, July 11. Thanks to all of you who are praying for my visit
in Europe and for my family and ministry back home.

God bless you all.

Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

 Saturday July 7th 2012

Greetings to all,

Great opportunities these last days.
On last Sunday I presentated the vision and activities of CIDEL in CAR
and other African countries at the Aalen church.

On Monday, it's was another presentation in a protestant church where
a generous offering of 165.50 Euros were given to support CIDEL's
ministry in CAR. I am very grateful for such support and thanks all
those who have contributed.

Yesterday Tuesday was one of my highlights days in Germany where Gert
Pohl and Matthias from Life-Project brought me near Frankfurt to be
interviwed by a Christian TV and radio station (ERF). I was
interviewed on the ministry of CIDEL and how we are fighting against
corruption in that part of Africa with Christian values. The first
interview was done in French and the second in English than they will
translate in German. There is an interest from one of the journalist
of ERF and Life-Project to plan a project of a TV report on the
ministry of CIDEL in CAR that we can pray for.

Today is my last day of presentation in a high school here in Aalen. I
had the priviledge to speak to students in politics course about the
government system in CAR and how CIDEL is promoting Christian values
and ethics through it training. Many students have asked questions
about lifestyle in CAR and how CIDEL is trying to fight against
corruption. The teachers have said that I will be welcome in their
classes when I come again in Germany.

I hope the seed planted in this type of soil will be watered by the
Holy Spirit and produce fruit that will be eternal.  Thanks to all of
you who are praying for my contact in Europe. I appreciate it so much.

We are all together in His harvesting field. Report from Aalen in Germany.

Thanks for your prayers. 

Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE

Executive Directeur of CIDEL

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