Greetings from Bangui,
Last Sunday was a dedication of a new Church building at Ngoumboutou
Grace Brethren Church in Bangui. I was the moderator of the church
service that welcomed some members of the Government and members of
the Parliament. Retired missionnary Eddie Mensinger preached during
that ceremony. It's was a long church service from 7:30 AM to 5 PM.
I am working on my trip to the 17th international gathering in Berlin,
Germany. I will apply for the visa next week and am contacting some
members of the CAR Parliament to invite them to attend that gathering
that will discuss the theme "Responsability before God and man"
focusing on the question “What profit is it to a man if he gains the
whole world and loses his own soul?”
I will be in Europe (Germany, Switzerland, France) from June 14 to
July 11, 2012.
On Thursday, I was sick with my throat that put me on bed till today.
I am doing better and hope to go back to work.
Thanks for your prayer support and any encouragement you are in my life.
Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE
Executive Directeur of CIDEL
This week is another opportunity to serve our Lord. I was invited to
speak on the spiritual transformation of mind to the members of a
Christian NGO. The invitation was given by someone who heard me
preaching the same message in a Grace Brethren Church of Castors.
Our district has it conference this week. Yesterday I had the
opportunity to speak on the same theme to a group of deacons. The
conference will end on Friday. I am still teaching ethics and
leadership at the School of Theology and the Center University of
At the university, we are organizing small groups who will begin the
training on the Habitudes : images that form the habitude and attitude
of leadership. Please pray that many students can have a book to be
able to learn. The cost of a book is $ 20 and many students can not
afford it. I believe that the students leadership course will bring a
transformation in the lives of many and that through that new
ministry, God will provide a new generation of godly leaders. We
appreciate your prayer for the fulfillment of this dream.
My family is doing fine. My mom came from the village to stay with me.
She is a widow and need my assistance. Pray for my children,
especially for Hyppolite who is doing his internship with Alcatel in
Paris, France.
God willing, I will be going to the 17th conference of the Parliament
of Germany in Berlin for the Prayer-Breakfast in June 2012. I hope to
visit some friends in Switzerland, Germany and spend some days with my
son in France.
Thanks for your continuous support.
Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE
Executive Directeur of CIDEL
Dear prayer supporters,
After the student leadership conference held at the university of
Bangui, my wife and I were part of a wedding yesterday. Mr Vivien and
Charlotte were married yesterday at the mayor's office. There was a
church ceremony after that and a party in the evening. This is our 8th
time to be the best man and the maiden of honor since we moved to
Bangui. God has given us another aspect of ministry to strengthen
marriages. In January 1, 2012 we gathered all the couples we were
involved in their marriages to have a party together in our home and
listen to their stories. It's was a great moment of sharing love and
to strengthen our commitment in marriage.
Through her ministry of True Love waits and True Love stays, my wife
help many young people to be married and couples to enjoy marriage. We
have another wedding planned for June 2012 that we will be the best
man and maiden of honor. It is a privilege to minister to people in
helping them grow in their marriages.
With the success of the student leadership conference that was
broadcasted on the national radio and TV, people are looking on CIDEL
to provide them ethical leadership trainings. I was asked by a medical
doctor to have CIDEL speak to a group of doctors on medical ethics. He
said that he read the report of the student leadership conference on a
local newspaper and was impressed by it. He also said that he did not
believe that there are qualified leaders among pastors in the country
who can address issues like he is seeing CIDEL doing. Praise God that
we can communicate something that can bring a real change in the lives
of people. CIDEL has also a seminar planned for the Ministry of
transportation and another with workers from a hotel.
Please pray that God will provide new qualified people to work with
CIDEL to meet the tremendous need in the country and in other African
countries. We are currently two permanent workers in CIDEL (Gaspard
and myself). Gaspard is very supportive in the ministry of CIDEL. He
is well in translating from English to French and he manage well the
computer. We are looking for someone to help as an accountant and
others in the area of counseling, the leadership of family, leadership
of church.
Pray for my training on Ethical leadership at the School of Theology
and the university. I still have some hours to finish this time of
teaching. I am preparing a journey to Germany to attend the 17th
conference of the Parliament. I was invited to attend the Prayer
Breakfast during that conference in June. I will have two training
missions to the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Chad
in September and October, 2012.
We appreciate your prayer on behalf of our oldest son Obed Hyppolite
who is studying in France. Pray that he will get a scholarship from
our government for his studies as well as for one of my daughters.
Thanks for all your support for my family and ministry.
Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE
Executive Directeur of CIDEL
Dear prayer supporters,
Praise God, the first student leadership conference at the university
is over. 1200 students have participated to this new initiative that
will launch a transformation of individuals and many people as well as
the transformation of the society and nation. On Thursday we begun
with a workshop to train the trainers for the small leadership groups
that will start soon. 250 students were trained as trainers.
The conference we held in two days is an event that create a momentum
for a long term training on the book the Habitude: images that form
the habitude and attitude of leadership wrote by Dr. Tim Elmore from
the USA. Dr Tim has been one of the speakers during the conference.
Among the speakers are the Prime Minister of CAR, the Minister of
youth and myself. I was the last speaker who challenged the students
and the staff of the university on sacrificial and servanthood
leadership. The style of the leadership of Jesus is a good example to
follow. Instead of being served, Jesus served every people. He humbled
himself and washed the feet of his disciples.
More than thousand of students are committed themselves to be part of
the small groups that will be established in the university campus to
help their growing in character and leadership skills. Pastor
Pretorius from South Africa challenged the participants at the end of
the conference by inviting them to receive Christ as their personal
Savior. Many have show up as well as the vice-rector of the university
who raised his hands to give his heart to Jesus. I have worked with
him for years and praise God for his response to the call the have
Jesus transform his life. Please pray that I will invest spiritually
in his life to help him grow in the knowledge of Christ.
Yesterday we met with the Rector and her staff to evaluate the
conference. Many good things were said by the Rector who is satisfied
for this outstanding event. During the conference I got the impression
of two young Muslims who attended the event. They said that the
conference is beyond their expectations. They really appreciate the
quality of each presentation of the themes and enjoy being part of the
movement. You need to be in the event to see the joy and happiness of
the students to participate in this kind of gathering that is the
first in the history of the university of Bangui.
Great opportunity is ahead of us after the momentum God has created
during this conference to bring students in a journey of transforming
their lives so that they can become leaders of character, ethics and
integrity. Could you please join us to make the small groups of
learning through the images that form the habitude and attitude of
leadership with the serie of four books from Dr Tim Elmore of Growing
leaders? Students were asked to pay for their books when we finish the
translation into French. If you can provide $ 20 US to get the
material to a student, you will greatly impact a life and make a real
transformation in Africa. The material is written in a Christian faith
basis. The university is willing to see such training take place soon.
They even asked if the course cannot be added into the curriculum of
the university.
Please, pray as you think about our ministry in the CAR and especially
for the building project of an Ethics Center/Chapel in the university
campus. Now, we need to organize and strategize how we are going to
seize the moment that is given us at the university of Bangui, the
heart of Africa. To train a generation is to transform a nation,
that's the message and theme of the student leadership conference we
had last week.
Again, thank you all for your support in our ministry here in Africa.
Together we can do more for His kingdom.
Rev. Dr. Augustin HIBAILE
Executive Directeur of CIDEL
Dear Friends,
Thanks, and many thanks for your prayer support. We can sense the power of prayer in the orginization of this conference.
Yesterday we had 250 students who show up for the train the trainers
conducted by Dr. Tim Elmore on the Habitudes: images that form the
habitudes and attitude of leadership. We were expected 100 students to
be trained by 150 more did show up and highly appreciated the
challenge about changing their character to become the great leaders
of this nation.
TOday the conference begun with about +1200 students. The opening
ceremony was under the Minister of higher education and some other
Ministers of the government. The speech of the Prime Minister was
given by his Director of cabinet. His Excellency Touadera went
yesterday to New York for a meeting there. He is 100% behind CIDEL's
ministry that is a transformational ministry of individual and the
Please continue to pray for the conference that is going until
Saturday March 31. Now the students are motivated and engaged to be
trained by adults to become the agents of transformation. During the
break two Muslim students came to me and said that the speeches they
heard since yesterday were beyond their expectations and highly
appreciate what we are doing.
I appreciate your prayer and encouragement.
Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL
Dear prayer partners,
Greetings from CAR.
One of my dream is to invade the secular arena of those in position of
authority with God's message for the eternal transformation of
mankind. One of the strategy is to develop prayer group in each
department of the government. In the CAR there are many leaders who
are willing to grow spiritually.
Last August, I had the opportunity during my ministry trip to the
Democratic Republic of Congo to attend the 7th national Prayer
Breakfast event held by the former vice-president of the Republic.
During that prayer time I was encouraged by the testimonies of some of
the key leaders of the DRC seeking God in their leadership. I met two
members of the German parliament there who just invited me to their
Berlin conference and prayer breakfast in June 2012.
I sense God leading me to attend that conference in other to learn
more how to start the prayer time in offices here in CAR. I am praying
God to make these dates available for me to be there: June 14 - 4 July
2012. These dates include the possibility to visit some churches in
Europe to present the ministry of CIDEL and request prayer support
from many.
God has already provided $ 1455.55 that is part of the expenses for
that trip. I am currently seeking $ 1521.99 to cover all the expenses
for my trip and stay in Europe. Could you please prayer our God to
provide the needed support that can allow me to be part of that
conference? It is planned to have the President or the Prime Minister
of CAR attend that conference also.
I am grateful to all of you who are supporting me in all my ministry.
Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL
Greetings from Bangui, CAR
Thanks to all of you who have prayed for the leadership seminars done
on behalf of the local government leaders here in Bangui. The seminars
are over this afternoon with a great appreciation from the participants. Good feedback from many of the participants who are happy with the word of God presented during the seminars. Praise God.
Enjoy the pictures from the seminars.
Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL
Dear prayer partners,
CIDEL is in its second day of ethical leadership seminars on local
governance with the local leaders. About 50 local leaders are being
trained on their character, skills and behavior.
We are thankful to Ecobank a panafrican bank that has provided for
some expenses of the seminar.
The conference will end tomorrow after workshops on different issue. I
praise God for the opportunity to share the word of God during the
seminars. Yesterday during my presentation, I gave the bad example of
Zebedee's wife who requested from Jesus a leadership position for her
boys. Many said that they don't realized that the Bible has such
practice that is current today mostly in the African context.
I spoke on ethical leadership and the prevention of corruption. There
are nine modules we are covering during these three days.
Thanks for being with us
Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL
Dear prayer supporters,
CIDEL was asked to conduct leadership seminars on local governance to
the top leaders of two district beginning today till Saturday. We will
challenge the participants of the seminars on spiritual. There will be
eight speakers on various themes related to local governing leaders.
Thanks for your prayer support.
Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL
Dear prayer supporters,
I just finished proofreading the French version of Dr Tim Elmore on
Habitudes: images that form leadership habits and attitudes and sent
it back to South Africa.
That book will be used to begin a long term training of students at
the university of Bangui. There will be a one day train the trainers
workshop with the students leaders and their mentors here in Bangui
before the students conference on leadership start in March 30-31,
2012. Dr Tim Elmore will conduct that training and is also one of the
speakers during the conference.
Please pray that the preparation of the conference in CAR, South
Africa and the USA will go well.
Pray that all the guests from the USA, South Africa and other
countries will arrived safely.
Pray that many students will participate to that unusual conference
that will impact their lives.
Pray for all the speakers (nationals and internationals - among the
nationals, the Prime Minister and myself will speak in different
Pray for the local government leaders' seminars that is postponed for
the lack of finance to organize it. We are working toward having the
first seminar next week. Four seminars are scheduled in four cities
until May 2012.
thanks for praying for me especially and for my wife's ear and family.
Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL