News Archive:

 Monday October 24th 2011


Please pray for the following prayer requests: 
1. For a seminar with the staff of AGETIP-CAF (Agence Centrafricaine des Travaux d'Interets Publics). The General Director is a member from my church and a member of CIDEL. He said that 80% of the members of his staff are Christians but greatly need a training on ethics and Bible.
2. A seminar we are preparing for the "notables" of the Prefecture of Ombella Mpoko (about six localities)
3. I will speak on biblical elections during the pastors conference at Yaloke in November 1-4, 2011 to prepae the pastors with the knowledge on the criteria of chosing godly people for church ministry.
4. The coming of a team from South Africa and Nigeria to prepare the students leadership conference that will take place in 2012 at the university of Bangui. They will be in CAR from November 12-27, 2011.
5. A one day seminar with Dr Steve Taylor in November 25, 2011 on behalf of the members of CIDEL. I asked him to give a training on the subject regarding the second coming of Jesus and the Harold's campaign.
6. I will suggest the Prime Minister the Pointman seminar with the Directors of the cabinets of the Ministers while we are waiting the approval for the members of the government. If Pointman can come again we will begin a three years continuous training of leaders on ethical leadership and the prevention of corruption throughout the country.
7. Praise God for my colleagues Gaspard and Cendri who safely come back from the Train the Trainers in South Africa today. Now I have two more trainers to help me with leadership, anti corruption seminars and other subjects. 
Thanks for your prayers!

Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL

 Thursday October 20th 2011

Greetings from the PLI team leader to DRC,

PLI has been in its third mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo since 2006. It hasn’t been easy to arrange PLI seminars there in Kinshasa but with perseverance and optimism the third mission to DRC was a real success. We were a team of three instructors from UK, Switzerland and Central African Republic plus Henri Minder who has God's courage to open the door of opportunity there in Kinshasa, DRC.


Knowing exactly when to go to DRC was a challenge for all of us. Henri Minder from Swithzerland who went five days before the rest of the team was not allowed in the country because he has not a visa before arriving. He was obliged to leave the airport and wait in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia until the visa was granted to him with the hard negociation of the former vice-president of the Republic and the National General Commissionner of the Police.


Richard Wiggins from UK only got his formal word to enter DRC  20 minutes before his departure. Daniel Beckmann from Swithzerland did unpacked his luggage and packed it again before departure. Augustin Hibaile from the Central African Republic was lucky getting his visa less than two days and was the first one to arrive in Kinshasa. All our team members have demonstrated confidence in God and optimism in that mission. We have also learn how to be patient and to trust God in every detail during our stay in DRC.


After many contacts we had the favor of the National General Commissionner of the Police who even being out of Kinshasa in the country have asked the National Chief of chaplains to invite the generals and officers of Police to attend the seminars. The first basic seminars took place at the nice venue of the Police headquarter where there was air conditionning and the logistics we needed for our presentation. About 70 top leaders of the national police participated to the seminars. During the opening ceremony, we welcomed the National General Commissionner gave a very good speech in encouraging the participants to dedicate themselves to the training. Augustin Hibaile spoke on behalf of the team and thanked all who have made possible the seminars. He indicated the importance of PLI seminars that can bring a real transformation in the individuals and a whole nation. Because most of the participants were at the seminars in 2010, our team did something new. We did a summary of the workbook till the lunch time and in the afternoon divided the participants in four different groups. PLI alumni and new participants met together and shared about how easy or difficult it was for them to try to implement the principles learnt in their family and workplace. After the meeting in group, they came back to the pleniery and shared what they have experienced. How ! it’s was amazing to hear their reports. We have spent 8 hours on Thursday and gave the certificates and pins to the participants during the closing ceremony. He head of the Police also presented the certificates.


The following day has about 90 participants from the Police and military in our seminar done in the same venue. Most of the participants are new to the PLI seminars so we cover all the materials in 8 hours following by the closing ceremony with the presentation of the certificates and pins of integrity. The highlight of that seminars was the closing speech again for the National General Commissionner of Police. Following is the summary of his address to the participants and the PLI team :

« … I am very pleased to close this second day of seminars … You have made the right choice to participate to this seminars. I am thankful to our guests (Pointman’s team) who have come to train us. The National Police and military forces of DRC need such training on leadership. We all need good values of leadership to better serve our people, because our job is to watch over the population. But without God we will watch in vain. We must know and believe in God and serve Him through our job. When we follow the leadership principles we will become good police officers.


Many of you wanted to shake my hands. Some of you seek opportunity to take a picture with me and today is the occasion for you. But I want you to know that I come here among you as your servant first than your General Commissionner of the police. We all need to consider ourselves as servants because it make our job very easy. Let not see ourselves superior to other, but let’s be humble. We must demonstrate love for others. I know you all and I encourage you to develop the kind of love that Jesus has for mankind. It is very important for us all to prepare eternal life when we are alive. We need to love even our ennemis so that we can be in the will of our Lord. Being in the will of God helps to realize many promesses … »


I am thankful to God for the success of this mission to DRC. Even it’s was very stressful to be there, God has used our team to be a blessing to the Police and military who are facing great and dangerous period of time in one month of their elections. I am proud of the team members who are very supportive to each one.  We are safely back home and praise God for using us to bring his testimony before the nations. 


Augustin Hibaile

PLI team Director to DRC

Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL

 Friday October 14th 2011

Greetings again from Kinshasa, DRC
Yesterday we had between 60 to 70 participants to our seminar on ethical leadership. They are generals and top leaders from the police of the Democratic Republic of Congo. We are instructors from England, Switzerland and myself from the Central African Republic. They asked me to be the team leader of this Pointman Leadership Institute's mission to DRC. It is a wonderful team who is very supportive to each one of us.
We are thankful to all of you who are supporting us in many prayers. Continue to pray for our time hear. Tomorrow our team is invited to the National Prayer Breakfast organized by the former Vice President who is a member from a Baptiste church here.
More later

Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL

 Thursday October 13th 2011

Greetings from Kinshasa, DRC

I am in DRC since last Sunday. I spent a night in Congo Brazzaville and did cross the congo river to Kinshasa for a Pointman seminars with Police officers and military.

This mission is a very difficult one because of the coming elections in the country, our friends who have to organize the seminars aren't able to set things on time. We are having various contacts to make it happen hopefully tomorrow.

Internet connexion is little bit difficult and it's cost $15 per hour in the hotel we are staying. The Pointman team in this mission has two from Switzerland, one from UK and myself. On Saturday we will participate to the National Prayer Breakfast here before I cross the river again to wait my returning flight to Bangui on Tuesday.

CIDEL is sending two of its members to South Africa to get a training for trainers. My assistant Gaspard and the secretary of the board of CIDEL brother Cendri Moute (Lawyer) are the two who are going including a brother from Yaounde, Cameroon who is starting CIDEL there. His name is Richard HOUMEGNI.

Please continue to pray for the need of building a chapel/Center of ethics at the university campus in Bangui. The new rector is in favor of our activities including that project.

Pray also for the necessity of CIDEL to move to a new office somewhere in town. We are seing the possibility to rent an space at the Baptist Mid Mission downtown.

Pray for the government leadership seminars we are waiting for the dates. We are planning other seminars with organizations in the country.

Pray for my family back home. 

Thanks for all your support.

Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL


October 10, 2011

Greetings to all

I am in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo since last Sunday. I am here with Pointman to conduct seminars to the officers of Police and military. Please pray for my stay here.
More later
Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL

 Saturday October 1st 2011

Greetings from Central African Republic,
God is still good with us here in the heart of Africa. The highlight of last month for our family and ministry is the celebration of the 30th wedding anniversary of Marie Helene and myself. Instead of organizing a party for parents, friends we have decided to spend time between the two of us in Boali falls, 90 km from Bangui the capital city. It did happen very well on Monday September 26 till 28. September 27 is our anniversary. We were very excited about how we have spend 30 years together and have became parents of eight children and three adopted. It's was a time of praise to God for his blessings and guidance during our journey together. Love, communication, patience, caring, faithfulness, sharing, hoping and so on are part of our marriage. We are so thankful to God for our marriage and continue to pray for his grace upon us. We want to show a good example of marriage to our children and people who watch us. Last Sunday I had the opportunity to preach in one of the largest Grace Brethren church here in Bangui (Castors church) and mentioned about our anniversary at the pulpit. Many people said that they want us to organize the ceremony and tell them our stories. We have a lot to share, so we pray to be able to organize a party and share our experience. That will be a ministry to couples and singles who will attend the event. We did save some marriages during our 25th anniversary against divorce. Augustin and Marie-Helene
In the area of ministry, the month of September has been blessed by leadership seminars focusing on local governance I had my organization (CIDEL - International Center for the Development of Ethical Leadership) conducted during the first week of September. Fifty mayors, chiefs of villages, church leaders and local government leaders from the town of Damara participated to the seminars requested by the Prime Minister. We did communicated to their heads, hearts and hands and challenge them to consider a new paradigm of change in their lives and works. The Prime Minister was at the opening and the closing ceremonies and is very happy for the results of our seminars to the local leaders of his home town. It is possible that the government will ask us to do the same training all over the country. The best of that seminars is the freedom to share Bible principles to the participants. All the participants received a certificate of completion from the CIDEL's instructors as well as the Prime Minister. Please pray that other seminars we are planning will take place before the end of this year and throughout next year.
The activities of CIDEL are going well. We were asked to leave the office we are using since 2005 at the Grace Brethren Mission here in Bangui. The mission is growing in number of missionaries so there is not enough space for us to stay at the mission building. We are looking for a property to have as a loan until God provides for our own office building. Please pray that we will find an affordable office and means for the loan.
We appreciate your prayers on behalf of the new Rector of the only university of CAR. We did meet with her and present the activities of CIDEL and what we expect to do in the university campus. Pray that she will be in favor of our projects of building a center of ethics/chapel, adding Ethics and micro enterprise in the curriculum of the university, and other projects. Praise God that the university is functioning again after several months of strikes.
Our oldest son Obed Hyppolite Hibaile was granted a French visa that has allow him to move from Morocco to Troyes in France for his technical industrial training at the university. He will be there for about two years to earn a degree. Please pray for him has we are struggling to provide him with some financial support for his living. Our prayer is that our children will have good education and able to meet the need of their family, church and parents. 
Thanks to all of you who are supporting as in our ministry. We have achieved many things through your support. Continue to pray for us as we focus on doing God's will in all aspects of our lives.
Together we can do more.
Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL

 Thursday September 22nd 2011

Greetings to all
Last Thursday, CIDEL was asked to consider moving to it own office outside of the GBIM compound here in Bangui due to the number of new missionnaries who will join the team.
Could you please pray for that urgent need? Renting a house in the administrative area here in Bangui is not cheaper. We don't know where to move to right now, but God has a good plan for CIDEL.
We appreciate your prayers.
Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL

 Saturday September 17th 2011

Greetings from CAR,

Last Thursday, I had the opportunity to meet with the new Rector of the University of Bangui Mrs DEBALLE Georgette. The goal was to congratulate her and to present the activities of CIDEL for her understanding. She was very happy with CIDEL as one of the participants of our seminars. She said that we need to work diligently in order to accomplish all the projects we have on behalf of the university of Bangui. Please pray for her as the strikes are still on.
Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL

 Monday September 5th 2011

Greetings . . . 

I just came home from a three days of leadership seminars with the local leaders of the Prime Minister district. Fifty leaders participated to the seminars offered by CIDEL. We have a very encouraging feedback from the participants as well as the Prime Minister who consider CIDEL as a mean to help with the development of mankind. 
The new Rector of the university of Bangui is Mrs DEBALLE Georgine who has a Ph D in English. I phoned her yesterday to congratulate her for being appointed to the head of the university. I will plan a meeting with her to present what CIDEL has done and will do at the university. Continue to pray that the strikes of the lecturers will stop so that students will go back to school.
Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL

 Sunday August 21st 2011

Greetings from the Indian beautiful Nelson Mandela Bay,

I am in my last day in South Africa. I arrived safely in Port Elizabeth (Now Nelson Mandela Bay) yesterday and had a great ministry with the students at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. About 400 students were at the Campus harvest conference.
Today I preached at a church in town. Everything is going well with me and I will depart tomorrow earlier to Johannesburg for my flight to Nairobi at 1:20 PM. I will spend the night in Nairobi before heading home on Tuesday. I will meet my family on Tuesday August 23 around 12:30.
I thank you all for your prayer support during my trip in South Africa. My passion to build the young generation for better future leadership has grown during this ministry trip. There will be a South African mission trip to CAR in November to continue the preparation of the students conference postponed for 2012.

Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile
Directeur Executif du CIDEL

 Friday August 19th 2011


Some of you know that Marie Helene is involved in the ministry called True Love Waits and True Love Stays with ICDI. Since we have been in Bangui after 24 years at the Bata Bible schools, we have been honored to be the maiden of honor and the best man for five marriages in Bangui. In CAR official marriages are celebrated at the Mayor's office than the blessings are done at the church for Christians. Please pray for Jesus and Rebecca, Gaston and Lea, Paul and Genevieve, Freddy and Lyda, Edmond and Nana as they have to keep their commitment before the Lord in their marriages.  

In addition, we are delighted to host people in our home. Last June we hosted Jandi Potts a student from Liberty University who visited the CAR for intercultural studies with Mike Taylor's team. After that visit, Jandi has a desired to come back to CAR for a year of ministry. Please pray that she will succeed in learning French and be able to get financial support to be back. Currently my family is hosting a couple from Chad. Pastor Daniel and his wife Robertine came for a medical visit with Mike Taylor's doctors team. Robertine got a surgery last Monday and is recovering from that. Pastor Daniel and his wife have four more weeks to spend with my family before they return to Chad. Pray for complete recovery from Robertine. It is such a joy to make people feel at home. We appreciate your prayers for our family.

Rev. Dr Augustin Hibaile

Directeur Executif du CIDEL

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